Database design :
Temparary Database(oracle)
username : scott
password : tiger
(storing the metadata for src files)
source Database(oracle)
username : source_stage
password : source
Target Database(oracle) -DWH
username : dim_target
password : target
Procedure for creating and grant the previliges to the users(Schemas)
sql >create user source_stage identified by source;
sql >create user dim_target identified by target;
sql >grant dba to source_stage;
sql >grant dba to dim_target;
1. procedure for creating source file structure in scott (schema)
connect to the scott schema (username = scott and password = tiger)
copy and paste the source table structures in the scott schema.
the source table structure is available on the below document file
2. procedure for creating source file structure in source_stage (schema)
connect to the source_stage schema (username = source_stage and password = source)
copy and paste the stage table structures in the source_stage schema.
the stage table structure is available on the below document file
3. procedure for converting source file structure (oracle) to flatfile
import all tables from scott schema (source analyser - in Informatica)
change all the tables, database type as oracle to database type as flatfiles.
4. create a Date table in the source_stage (schema)
Create Table T_DATE
procedure for loading the dates into T_DATE table(source_stage schema)
CREATE OR REPLACE procedure load_date
start_date date := to_date('01-01-2007','dd-mm-yyyy');
end_date date := to_date('31-12-2012','dd-mm-yyyy');
for i in 1..2500 loop
insert into t_date values(start_date);
start_date:= start_date + 1;
end loop;
5. Start maping for passing the soruce file data (scott schema) into stage tables (source_stage schema)
as follows
scott stage
account_src (flat file) t_account (oracle)
product_src (flat file) t_product (oracle)
market_src (flat file) t_market (oracle)
employee_src (flat file) t_employee(oracle)
client_order (flat file) client_order (oracle)
client_allocation (flat file) client_allocation (oracle)
client_execution (flat file) client_execution (oracle)
6. procedure for creating Dimension table structure in dim_target (schema) - DWH
connect to the dim_target schema (username = dim_target and password = target)
copy and paste the Dimension table structures in the dim_target schema.
the Dimension table structure is available on the below document file
Rafi\CDM_Project\FILE_Source_Data\Dimension Table Structure.doc
7. Start maping for passing the stage table data (source_stage) into Dimension tables (dim_target schema)
as follows
stage target (DWH)
a) t_account (oracle) dm_t_account_dim (oracle)
dm_t_account_dim_except (oracle)
b) t_product (oracle) dm_t_product_dim (oracle)
dm_t_product_dim_excep (oracle)
c) t_market (oracle) dm_ t_market_dim (oracle)
dm_ t_market_dim_excep (oracle)
d) t_employee(oracle) dm_t_employee_dim (oracle)
dm_t_employee_dim (oracle)
a and d are SCD Type - 2
b and c are SCD Type - 1
8. FACT table loading (In progress)
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