Sunday, March 27, 2016

Project Configaration

Database design :

Temparary Database(oracle)

username : scott
password : tiger
(storing the metadata for src files)

source Database(oracle)

username : source_stage
password : source

Target Database(oracle) -DWH

username : dim_target
password : target

Procedure  for creating and grant the previliges to the users(Schemas)

sql >create user source_stage identified by source;

sql >create user dim_target identified by target;

sql >grant dba to source_stage;

sql >grant dba to dim_target;

1procedure for creating source file  structure in scott (schema)

   connect to the scott schema (username = scott and password = tiger)
   copy and paste the source table structures in the scott schema.
    the source table structure is available on the below document file

2procedure for creating source file  structure in source_stage (schema)
    connect to the source_stage schema (username = source_stage and password = source)
    copy and paste the stage table structures in the source_stage schema.
    the stage table structure is available on the below document file

3procedure for converting source file structure (oracle) to flatfile
      import all tables from scott schema (source analyser - in Informatica)
     change all the tables, database type as oracle to database type as flatfiles.

4. create a Date table in the source_stage  (schema)

    Create Table T_DATE
        FULL_DATE Date
  procedure for loading the dates into T_DATE table(source_stage schema)

    CREATE  OR  REPLACE procedure load_date
    start_date date := to_date('01-01-2007','dd-mm-yyyy');
    end_date date := to_date('31-12-2012','dd-mm-yyyy');
    for i in 1..2500 loop
    insert into t_date values(start_date);
    start_date:= start_date + 1;
    end loop;

5. Start maping for passing the soruce file data (scott schema)  into  stage tables (source_stage schema)
     as follows
              scott                                      stage
     account_src  (flat file)                       t_account (oracle)
     product_src  (flat file)                       t_product (oracle)
     market_src  (flat file)                        t_market (oracle)
     employee_src  (flat file)                     t_employee(oracle)
     client_order (flat file)                        client_order (oracle)
     client_allocation (flat file)                  client_allocation (oracle)
     client_execution (flat file)                  client_execution (oracle)

6. procedure for creating Dimension table structure in dim_target (schema) - DWH
   connect to the dim_target schema (username = dim_target and password = target)
   copy and paste the Dimension table structures in the dim_target schema.
    the Dimension table structure is available on the below document file
    Rafi\CDM_Project\FILE_Source_Data\Dimension Table Structure.doc

7. Start maping for passing the stage table data (source_stage)  into Dimension tables (dim_target schema)
     as follows

                 stage                              target (DWH)
    a)  t_account (oracle)                        dm_t_account_dim (oracle)
                                                              dm_t_account_dim_except (oracle)

    b)  t_product (oracle)                        dm_t_product_dim (oracle)
                                                               dm_t_product_dim_excep (oracle)

    c)  t_market (oracle)                         dm_ t_market_dim (oracle)
                                                              dm_ t_market_dim_excep (oracle)

    d)  t_employee(oracle)                       dm_t_employee_dim (oracle)
                                                              dm_t_employee_dim (oracle)

and d  are SCD Type - 2
b and c are SCD  Type - 1   
8. FACT table loading (In progress)

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